Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah 2017 1Please note that we have our lovely Friday night services at 7:00 P.M.

Sunday school for the BERS this Sunday at 10 A.M.

HANUKKAH PARTY: THIS Sunday December 17 at 5 p.m. The Hanukkah Party of the year. Klezmer music with Los Klezmeros, Latkes (traditional and our famous hippy latkes), hot dog dinner, Israeli sufganiot and fun activities for the children! Bring a menorah and candles so we can light the candles together. Please don’t miss. Consider a tax deductible donation in any amount to help sponsor this event! www.bethelaustin.org/donate

Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message:

This week, during the week of Hanukkah, we read Parshat Mikketz, which picks up the cliffhanger from last week. Yoseph is taken out of the dungeon, and based on his skills at dream interpretation as well as organization, becomes Prime Minister of the Egyptian empire. He comes from darkness into light-just as the year starts to turn, and sundown starts to come later again. Similarly, we celebrate Hanukkah, when our ancestors came out of the darkness of conquest and forced assimilation into the light of freedom. May we always go from darkness into light, at this season and at all times. Shabbat Shalom, and Hag Urim Sameah, a Joyous Festival of Lights

Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe

Candle lighting in Austin is at 5:14 p.m. Remember to light your Hanukkah candles before lighting the shabbat candles.

See You Sunday at 5 p.m. for our lovely Hanukkah Party. Please bring your family and friends. There will be something for everyone. Activities, Klezmer music, kosher hotdog dinner, homemade latkes and sufganiot and lots of warmth and light. Bring your menorah and candles.

Sandy Kress Weekly Blog

What Makes for the Miracle in the Lights?

It’s a treat to be able to read the special portion of the Prophets that fits with the Sabbath in the week of Chanukah. Together with the Bible portion, these verses give us deep insights into the meaning and purpose of this special time of the year.
In the book of Zechariah, the people are beginning to experience the Second Temple, and they feel that God’s presence seems somewhat diminished from that of the First Temple, before the exile. The prophet assures them that, as before, God will “dwell in your midst.”
Some sages say the Heavenly Presence was manifested here in the menorah, which burned miraculously and would bring joy to the people.
Others look to the text itself where there is mention of a menorah with “seven lamps upon it, with “seven ducts for each of the lamps” and “two olive trees over it.” They see a miraculous burning here of the lamps in the Temple, corresponding to the last seven days of Chanukah.
Here’s what I find most meaningful. An angel asks the prophet what’s significant in the sight of the menorah, perhaps in the miracle of the lights. The prophet doesn’t know. The angel teaches that it is “not through army and not through strength, but through My spirit” that we have the blessing of God’s presence and the grace we feel and express in its midst.
As we comb this week’s verses in Genesis, we see evidence of God’s spirit manifested in such a way. To start, Joseph’s remarkable interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams leads to much saving in the world.
But I think it comes even more so in the poignant moments in which Judah assures and comforts his pained father when he seeks the elder’s approval of their bringing Benjamin back with them to Egypt. Joseph has demanded this as a test of whether they are capable of compassion and righteousness after the injustice they inflicted upon him and their father so many years earlier.
Judah now shows love for their father and takes personal responsibility for the boy’s welfare. “Send the lad with me,” he says, “and we will get up and go, and we will live and not die, both we and you and also our young children.” Judah continues: “I will guarantee him; from my hand you can demand him.”
This is a vastly different person than the one who let a brother slip into slavery and then deceive a father. This is a son who shows compassion and love to a father. This is a brother who remembers and begins to atone for a wrong to a brother. This is a human being who understands and practices righteousness in his world.
In essence, it is in the hurly burly of life where God’s spirit is most made manifest. It’s not principally through armies, nor physical strength. Rather, it’s in a changed heart that leads to lovingkindness and righteousness where we can best see the powerful miracle of God’s enduring light.


Sisterhood get together and book club event is scheduled for January 4 at 7 p.m. at the home of Anita Lavie – close to Beth El. Please let us know if you need a ride and we will happily find you one. We don’t want you to miss!