Parashat Veyetze

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Please note that we have our lovely Friday night services at 7 p.m. tonight as every Friday night of the year. We’ll be there to greet you with a smile!
Shabbat morning services are tomorrow, Saturday November 25 at 9 a.m., with children’s story time at around 10 a.m. Kidish lunch immediately follows, this week featuring Shereen’s lovely soup and salad. Services and soup sure to warm your soul.
No Sunday school for the BERS this Sunday, but it resumes Sunday December 3
HOLD THE DATE : Sunday December 17 at 5 pm The Hanukkah Party of the year. Klezmer music with Los Klezmeros, Latkes (traditional and our famous hippy latkes), hot dog dinner, Israeli sufganiot, menorah lighting, and fun activities for the children and the whole family!
Inaugural Men’s Club event at Beth El. Sunday December 3 at 5p.m. at Beth El. Please join the guys for the first Men’s Club meeting. Camaraderie, a couple of beers, and so much more! Please plan to join.

Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message:
This week we read Parshat Vayyetze, which details the life in exile of the Patriarch Ya’akov. His twenty years of in Haran are some of the most significant of his life-he marries there, and all of his children but one are born there. One may be sure that neither he nor his parents, Yitzhak and Rivkah, expected such a turn in his fortunes. We are often presented with changes to our plans-as the Yiddish proverb goes, “A human plans and God laughs”. Sometimes events are out of our control-but we can always control how we react to events and deal with them. Shabbat Shalom.
Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe