Tisha Be Av services

Tisha B’Av and weekend of services! Tonight 8/12, at 7:00 PM. We will have a beautiful kabbalat shabbat service. TOMORROW: Shabbat morning services Saturday August 13 at 9 AM, with the Torah service at 9:45 AM. Thank you to our sponsors this week, Carmen and Efrain Rodriguez who are celebrating their 25th wedding Anniversary. We will enjoy a delicious kidush immediately following services.
Tisha B’ Av is this Saturday night. We will have a meaningful and moving service at 9 PM and hope you can join us.
Candle lighting in Austin is at 7:56 PM
Cantor Ben Moshe’s Message:
This week we read Parshat D’varim, beginning the Book of the same name, known in English as Deuteronomy. Shabbat D’varim is also known as Shabbat Hazon, after the first word of the haftarah, the third Haftarah of Rebuke. For Shabbat D’varim is always the Shabbat before the fast of Tish’ah B’Av, and in fact this year falls on the Ninth of Av. Shabbat Hazon is the only time when we let sadness overtake the joy of Shabbat-we sing L’cha Dodi to the tune of the dirge “Eli Tzion”, and we chant most of the Haftarah with the cantillation for the Book of Lamentations. The fast itself is postponed to Sunday, as fasting (except for Yom Kippur) is forbidden on Shabbat. May it be God’s will that the grief of Tish’ah B’Av soon be replaced by the joy of redemption, and that we experience no more sadness on Shabbat D’varim or on any other Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom.
Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe
Special shout out THANK YOU to Kimberly Bernstein who led us in an invigorating Yoga class last Sunday afternoon. More below on how to find out more about essential oils from Kimberly.
Sunday School is fast approaching. August 28 will be our first class of the fall. We welcome Morah Lital Canaani to our terrific team of teachers. Lital taught Hebrew at both Duke and Columbia and has a great Hebrew curriculum for the students. The older students with Morah Bev and Cantor Ben-Moshe will have a focus on Jewish ethics as well as bar and bat Mitzvah preparation, while the youngest students will continue their Sunday Fundays and Hebrew with Morah Anat!
Let your friends with children aged KG through bar and bat mitzvah age know about this special, quality school, with its amazing teachers and sweet children. info@bethelaustin.org
This week’s “Shabbat Shef’s” were Mary, Genevieve, Shereen, Michelle, Yesenia, Iris and Genesis. It will be so yummy!
The sisterhood has a book club event on Thursday September 1 at 7PM at the home of Gail Ellenbogen in Steiner Ranch. This event is open to all. Enjoy some summer reading and we will discuss together with a glass of wine. We will even get an inside scoop from Joyce Lit, member of the Jewish Book council who worked with the author of this great book. The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem by Sarit Yishai-Levi.
Please enjoy photos of Fred Miller’s 90th! Mazal tov from all your friends at Beth El Fred! Happy birthday wishes to Yuval Adi, Refael Eizraelov and Nathan Aguilar. As always, send us your birthday, and we would love to send you a happy birthday wish!
You can contact Kimberly Bernstein at 512-663-1278 cell essentialbreath@gmail.com You can learn more here: http://essentialbreath.myoilsite.com/ If you want to place an order as a retail customer, or sign up for a wholesale membership (to receive a 24% discount on oils and other bonuses)- please use my affiliate link: http://bit.ly/essentialbreathkb.